Due to recent changes made by our domain name registration provider Tucows, we have moved to a new registration provider, Wild West Domains. Action on your part is required NOW to avoid an outage with your domain name at renewal time.
In order to renew your domain name moving forward, it must be transferred from Tucows to our new provider - Wild West Domains. Below are instructions on how to do this.
To Transfer a Single Domain Name (see below for bulk domain transfers):
- Visit our OLD Domain Manager, login and perform the following actions:
- Unlock your domain name under Domain Locking
- Obtain your Transfer Authorization Code under Domain Extras (Note: Not all domains have Auth Codes)
- Make sure your admin email address listed under Admin is a correct working address - change it if necessary!
- Now, visit our new Hosting 2.0 Transfer Control Panel and follow the instructions to get the transfer going. See Notes section, below, for more tips and background information on what to expect during the transfer.
REMEMBER: If you have never ordered a Hosting 2.0 service before, YOU WILL BE A NEW CUSTOMER on that system. Any username and password you got from the OLD system WILL NOT WORK!
Bulk (more than one) Domain Name Transfers
- Visit our OLD Domain Manager (link below), login and perform the following actions:
- Unlock all the domain names in your account under Domain Locking
- Obtain the Transfer Authorization Code for each domain name, under Domain Extras (Note: Not all domains have Auth Codes)
- Make sure the admin email address for each domain listed under Admin is a correct working address - change it if necessary!
- Now, visit our new Hosting 2.0 Transfer Control Panel and follow the instructions to get the transfer going. See Notes section, below, for more tips and background information on what to expect during the transfer.
What Should I Expect After Placing A Transfer Order
Placing your order above is only the first step in the process. The domains administrative contact will receive several emails they need to action in order to move the transfer process to completion. These steps are in place for your security, not to make your life difficult - as it would initially seem!
You can expect the following to take place:
- The gaining registrar (Hosting 2.0/Wild West Domains) will look-up the administrative contact's email address and send an email asking them to confirm their intention to transfer the domain, by clicking on a link to the H2.0 website and entering the security information found in that email. On top of entering security codes found in the email, you may also be asked to enter your domains Transfer Authorization code, which you got from the old Tucows site in the steps above. Enter this on the site next to each domain you are transferring when requested. This step is crucial. The transfer process won't even start until this step is done.
- Wild West domains then sends Tucows a request to release the domain to them. For some domains, Tucows will send their own confirmation email to the listed admin contact. This email is a second step validation process that allows the domain owner one final chance to reject the transfer. The email received here can be a bit misleading. The text of the email says in part, "If you want to proceed with this transfer, you do not need to respond to this message". You should not ignore this email, but instead, click on the link provided and then select the check-box that approves the transfer. The reason for this is, if you do not respond to this email, your transfer will sit on hold for 5 days until Tucows times out the request and releases the domain. This is another key step to rapidly and successfully transferring your domain.
Other Notes
- This is how a domain transfer works:
- You request a transfer with the gaining registrar (the Hosting 2.0 web site)
- The gaining registrar looks up the domain's admin email address from the public whois database (which is why you verified it correct above!) and sends you an email asking you to take a position action to confirm your intention to transfer your domain(s). This usually involves you clicking on a link and then entering Transaction and Security information as it appears in that email.
- You may also be asked to enter the Transfer Authorization Code you obtained from our old Domain Manager at this point as well (some domains don't have an auth code - so only enter that code if asked. Remember, you can find it in the Old Domain Manager, under Domain Extras).
- A transfer can take 7-10 days to complete, so its imperative that you don't try a transfer with only a couple of days left before expiry - so give yourself lots of time and initiate the transfer early!
- A Transfer will add 1 year to your domain - this is reflected in the cost you pay for the "transfer". Its really a transfer and 1 year extension in one.
- You never loose any time already purchase with your domain. So if your domain doesn't expire for another 5 years, you can still transfer it now. Once the transfer completes, you will have another year added to the expiry date.
Where is the Pending Transfers screen?
Depending on how you login, it might not be so obvious where the Pending Transfers list is in the Hosting 2.0 Control Panel. After you login, click on My Domain Names. Then click Domains -> Transfers. This will take you to the Pending Transfers page. You can then proceed to authorize the transfer as outlined in the transfer confirmation email. See the image below:
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